Apartmani Pičuljan

Ivan Pičuljan

Lopar 391

51281 Lopar, Hrvatska

Tel: +385 51 775 103

Mob: +385 98 192 1546

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.piculjan-apartments.com

Hrvatski English Deutsch Italiano

For necessary information on how to find us, see google maps or see the offer of accommodation ...




01.01. – 31.05.

01.10. -31.12.

01.06. – 30.06.

01.09. – 30.09.

01.07. – 09.07.

21.08. – 31.08.

10.07. – 20.08.

APP 1, 2+2 additional beds

35 €

50 €

70 €

70 €

APP 2, 2+2 additional beds

35 €

50 €

70 €

70 €

APP 3, 4+2 additional beds

50 €

70 €

100 €

120 €

APP 4, 6+2 additional beds

75 €

100 €

130 €

160 €

APP 5, 4+1 additional bed

50 €

70 €

100 €

120 €

APP 6, 6+3 additional beds

75 €

100 €

130 €

160 €

Note: For the reservation to be successful, a down payment in the amount 20 % of the entire price must be paid. The payment can be made to the following bank account:

             Ivan Pičuljan

             Lopar 391

             51280 Rab

             Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d.

             Markantuna de Dominisa 1

             51280 Rab

             Swift: PBZGHR2X

             IBAN Code: HR8423400093112435292